Lopes, Amanda

Argentina  –  Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata

Characterizing Hα emission in the Fornax cluster with S-PLUS

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Emission lines in galaxies are a valuable source of information, allowing the study of star formation activity, the identification of active galactic nuclei, among others. The filter configuration of S-PLUS (Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey) is ideal to detect emission by its combination of 7 narrow and 5 broad optical passband filters. An interesting topic to investigate is the characteristics of the emitters in high density environments. Do they present a specific location within the cluster? How is the relation between the emission morphology and the galaxy morphology? Such analysis can give us clues about the formation of a given cluster. In this context, the Fornax cluster is a great target to be analyzed, as the Hα+[NII] emission lines are located within the J0660 band, and its proximity provides large enough galaxies to study their emission spatial distribution. In this talk we will present our code (P.E.L.E., Pixel-to-pixel Emission Line Estimate) to create Hα+[NII] maps by applying the Three Filter Method to S-PLUS images, and our main results derived for the Fornax galaxy members. In addition, we will discuss the relationship between these emitters and the Sersic index.