Ariel Sanchez
Germany – MPE
Evolution mapping: an approach to describe the non-linear density field
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Abstract: In this presentation, I introduce the concept of “evolution mapping” as a powerful tool for simplifying the description of the non-linear matter density field. This approach exploits the fact that cosmologies with identical linear power spectra exhibit strikingly similar non-linear evolutions. This inherent degeneracy drastically reduces the number of parameters required to characterize statistics of the non-linear density field. Among other applications, this offers the opportunity to construct emulators for Large-Scale Structure (LSS) statistics whose predictions are applicable across a broad range of cosmologies and redshifts. The evolution mapping degeneracy also provides a straightforward avenue for comprehending the cosmological information content of all clustering statistics. In this context, I will demonstrate how this concept can be used to decode the information embedded in large-scale anisotropic two-point clustering measurements.