Aldo Rodríguez Puebla


The co-evolution between galaxies and dark matter halos

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Abstract: The current cosmological paradigm posits that dark matter halos provide the gravitational scaffolding for galaxy formation through a combination of hierarchical structure formation and non-linear local astrophysical processes. As a result, the growth and assembly history of dark matter halos are expected to influence the assembly history of galaxies which can leave observable imprints on their properties. This close and interdependent relationship between
galaxies and halos is commonly referred to as the galaxy-halo connection. While the stellar mass of galaxies has been found to be strongly correlated with the mass of their dark matter halos, it is essential to note that the galaxy-halo connection is actually a multivariate distribution of galaxy and halo properties, which can be constrained using data from astronomical observations and simulations, the so-called semi-empirical modelling. In this talk, I discuss the semi-empirical model for the galaxy-halo connection. In particular, I will
discuss EMPIRE which utilizes the assembly histories of dark matter halos and the multivariate distribution between galaxy and halo properties to infer the star formation histories of galaxies, galaxy sizes, as well as the accretion histories of their host supermassive black holes.