This year marks the 60th anniversary of Sérsic’s Law (Sérsic 1963, BAAA 6, pp. 41-43) which models the surface brightness distribution profile of galaxies and was originally proposed by the Argentine astronomer José Luis Sérsic (1933–1993). The aforementioned law has been gaining notoriety in recent decades, becoming a commonly used tool in the observational and theoretical astronomers, and of central importance in studies of galaxy populations.

Dr. Sérsic was one of the most important pioneers and referents of extragalactic astronomy. In the 1960s, Dr. Sérsic created the Extragalactic Astronomy Department of the Córdoba Astronomical Observatory. In 1983, this department was settled in the CONICET Research Program in Theoretical and Experimental Astronomy (IATE) under the direction of Dr. Sérsic, which constitutes the antecedent of the current Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Astronomy (IATE, CONICET – UNC), established as such in 2006.

The first two Regional Meetings of Extragalactic Astronomy were organised by Dr. Sérsic in 1975 and 1987. A third meeting was held in 1996. The 4th Regional Extragalactic Astronomy Meeting is open to all areas of extragalactic research related to galaxies, cosmology, galaxy formation, both from the observational and modelling point of view, and seeks to follow the line initiated at the above mentioned meetings, and to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Sérsic’s Law publication.


  • Nature of the dark components of the Universe
  • Evolution of the large-scale structure of the Universe
  • Astrophysics of galaxies, models of galaxy formation and galaxy evolution
  • New observational capabilities and galaxy surveys
  • Big data and machine learning techniques in extragalactic astronomy


